all i can remember is that i was stuck on a weird loop where i'd have an OS installed on my computer, use it, either find a game or song or a new OS to install or i'd be confronted with a weird face and reality would shift and it'd be like a different reality with a different OS and my goal with this was to get to the realest reality, which in this case would be waking up. it had the same vibe as an ARG because this whole thing was connected to the name of a girl somehow. there was also a bunch of albums i'd come across and one of the artists was theorized to be behind this "arg".
this will be hard to explain but there was this online community of edgelords, basically channers, that had their own symbols and stuff. and one of them was very famous in it. i became friends with him, he was actually extremely nice but he ended up dying (?) and everyone was sad, specially me. he then came back to life later. the other thing of note was a girl who uh... how do i explain this... apparently at first i saw her in a porn video, then my dad materialized her with magic, then she disappeared but i could find her again interacting with people on discord servers of that same community of edgelords. that's all i remember!
i didnt want to write this bcs i'm lazy but i want to remember this one: my uncle had a band that was popular in the 80s; i went to my relatives' cottages in my mom's native city and they were very cool. i also rode some sort of electric scooter to get there. also became a elder scrolls style game at some point.
i only remember the main storyline, which was: there was this compilation of electronic songs anyone could enter for free, which i did, and i found out one of the people in it made the soundtrack to yume nikki (lol). i ended up befriending the artists from this compilation and through the course of the dream they'd morph into different people. also, there was a little cinema room that screened movies sometimes, i had apparently went to one of these with my cousin years prior and met her friend group which was the same people from before (later in the dream the compilation ceased to exist i think). we stayed there a while and eventually this cinema room became the place they lived in, and i became part of the group. they were fucking weird. they lived a weird life. i can't really explain what they did, they didn't tell me whether they went to college or worked, they just stayed there and at some points would leave by morning. they created stories, little shows that they'd put every day, it was always something different. they had their own characters and inside jokes and i didn't understand any of it. one of these shows even had a brazilian youtuber from real life appearing. after i woke up from sleeping (in the dream) everyone started packing to leave and one of the members (i believe i might have had a crush on her?) asked me if i had a girlfriend or if i wanted one. i told her that i didn't and didn't want one, but if someone liked me a lot and i liked someone a lot i would, though that's really hard. then the ones who left were back again and started putting up a music show. they played their own songs, i was making percussion noises with my leg because i can't control myself lmao, and then they asked ME to sing one of their songs and expected me to know how the song goes even though i barely knew them. also of note, now one of the members was this girl i know irl who stopped talking to me but i had a GIGANTIC crush on, i used to think she was the most beautiful girl in the world (still might). they were annoyed at me, one of them showed this verbally. while i was waking up they were showing me the song i was supposed to sing, i remember the melody but not the lyrics, though they were super weird and used weird words, which i commend. i woke up instead of trying to remain in the dream thinking, "sorry guys, i don't wanna hang with yall anymore. i'd rather wake up". it's funny but i think i'll miss those bozos.
i remember three things: 1) a friend of mine had made a game. it was a dungeon crawler, a really hard and unfair one full of traps and game design choices made to enrage the player. i loved it. i did one of the possible routes, in the third floor i read some books on the ground (this happened because i played lunacid yesterday and thats in the game) telling a story about some creature, the creature in question being a bird that i found a few seconds later, flying beautifully like a phoenix, indoors. the bird rested and i walked up to it, triggering a cutscene. in the cutscene, this guy wanted to take the bird from me and put it somewhere else, while rewriting the narrative of the game in front of me. i pressed some keys using the birds feet and defeated the guy (?). 2) i wanted to make spagghetti in my mom's room using an outlet to heat up water. asked my dad if that was possible and it took me asking several times until he said it was. i had 3 like, frozen spaggheti types i guess, and i was going to combine them. there was some stuff happening in that room that i don't know how to explain well. i was searching about my ex on google (like, she was famous or something) and also saw an instagram story of her and her mom. 3) my sister was explaining to me the job she said i could have (irl), and she seemed way too enthusiastic about how the company worked. its a pharmacy, but in the dream it was really weird, they had all these perks like you'd get shit on fortnite just by working there. it was explained with those chibi graphs you see in anime sometimes like in HXH.
don't know how to explain well but it involved my dad, my dad's family and boats.
going back to school even though i already finished it, some stuff happened there but i dont remember. i do remember trying to piss and a kid looking through the door and i got super pissed at him. after that, a youtuber i like (lute) was putting on a live show in Halifax, i went there somehow and he was playing some songs and a bunch of weird videos. coincidentally, two sibling friends of mine (that i've mentioned before) from middle school were there.
i remember at some point i was inside TBOI, but it didnt look like the actual game. when i got back to real life one day had passed. afterwards i got to someone and wanted to take them somewhere to explain what happened, and i went to the roundabout close to my home thinking of where it would take me (remembering other places from past dreams like the flower field with the dome, knowing this time it was probably going to take me somewhere else) and it took me to like, a machine? and inside there i found ROBIN from BATMAN and i think nightwing too. the machine was a conspiracy or something.
all i remember was that at some point keyakizaka46 (dreamt of them twice already huh..) were in my city, but when i got there they were just girls dressed as them. one of them looked VERY similar to ozeki rika. i talked to one of them (i think she was supposed to be the oda nana equivalent) afterwards. it was like, a major event (only in my dreams xD)
first off, the usual "going to school again even though i already finished it" dream i have every week. i remember a lot of what happened there but don't know how to explain properly. my ex-best-friend was there at some point, we hadn't talked for very long and he appeared other times in the dream. then, i was walking around in my town, and i got naked a few times. i stopped at a street that also appeared in another dream, and got naked, to which other people saw me and said they were going to report me. it happened again though at a different time, i was naked there and some homestuck cosplayers showed up from afar and i told them to get away because i was naked (< not traumatized by homestuck community at all). more shenanigans, i was at home. i dont know how to explain what happened at home, but then a girl i knew from instagram was in my sofa watching a movie, we talked, and then i started thinking i was schizophrenic because there was no way a girl from instagram would be at my house watching a movie (dream me was questioning dream logic. wasn't a lucid dream. he's getting weak, poor thing). i ate a canudo de doce de leite, and i guess more shenanigans happened. then i was talking to my girlfriend, i said something and she sent me a poem (apparently wrote it herself) about what i said (about me), i don't remember all the words but it said something about childlike wonder.
i was in são paulo (later found out it was probably rio de janeiro??) and there were 3 people from my dad's family there. i went to this shopping center several times, the air was super heavy and i couldn't walk straight. there was a library there. later i got a taxi to my house and it was like, 4 minutes from there to here instead of the, you know, 6 or so hours. i then thought of asking my ex-friend if we could meet, even tho we don't talk anymore, but i couldn't get wi-fi. i was in some sort of garage that also had an office and uuh maybe it was an industrial place, asked some guys for wi-fi and they were about to give me before i woke up.14.jan.2025
my bald neighbour who was around here yesterday appeared in my dream. he had divorced from his wife and started drinking a lot. he drove around drunk with my maths teacher from high school and ran over several dogs. there was a woman living in the apartment above my house. uh, i'm sure more stuff happened but i forgot.
all i remember was that me and my parents were in an ice cream place but they had flavors like beans and lasagna that were literally, just normal food. at that place there was some girl who had the same name as my sister and i remembered seeing her w my sister as a kid and this girl was trying to paint me as a creep somehow.
didn't take my meds and had a sleeping session of about a few hours. dreamt of my *her*. she had a site but it worked irl, like virtual reality maybe? and it had a chat room but it was an actual room of people.
i was in the city my dad lives in. before that, i was in my house w my parents. we had gotten home from a restaurant and we left the rest of the food in the fridge. then, i don't remember everything that happened, but it had a bunch of callbacks to previous dreams. the city itself was very similar to the version of another city from my state i was in a few weeks ago in my dreams, it had the same layout and i even remembered it. we were then in a bus going someplace with a river, my dad didnt have his legs and i was carrying him in my arms. we went to that place and reminisced about a hike we did, which actually happened either earlier in that dream (but i dont remember well) or in another dream, or it can be a reference to when we went to the waterfall irl. in the place we went i saw my ex-best-friend who now lives in my city and i started singing TBLA's the blah blah blahs in my head. we went back to the bus and there was this cop with crazy eyes who seemed very authoritarian. when we left, my dad got his prostetic legs back and started walking (he has his legs irl lol), and i noticed there were a lot of disabled people in the city, missing arms and legs. my theory as to why that is, i watched markiplier's gameplay of Miside and the little girl in the game was missing her arm. i thought a lot abt this little girl while watching because i felt just like mark did, wanting to take her with me instead of leaving her there and running. oh and after i woke up to piss i got back to bed dreamt a little (i can dream while half awake) and i saw a woman wearing a hat with something written in it, i wrote it in my phone to not forget, it was written: "will thank you ever exist?".
ok so this is what i was talking about. i don't remember most of it but i do remember some parts. i remember i was inside a game like the elder scrolls, and at some point i was also inside like, a movie? i was in a library w 3 people who were characters and they didn't know it. i got a book that had their names and showed them but they ignored me. i remember a few snippets but not entirely,,,
again dont remember the entire plot but i saw this place i dreamt of before which looks a lot like one of the areas from outrun 2006. my mom and i wanted to go there and she had a car in the dream. we went there and it was full of pokemon, i took pictures with my 3ds but it looked like a game and not real life. i kept walking there and seeing more different pokemon and i got scared of them a lot. eventually me and my mom went inside a dome there which had a stage and a guy with some biblical stage show. there was a drum set there which i played later. then my mom didnt want to leave that place and she got really mad that the guy asked me to play for his show, she thought i wouldn't make the music justice. eventually we left and i found out she was there for 3 days without leaving. i saw my sibling friends from middle school and we left. before all this i remember being in my aunts cottage at the pool with a few people, some of which being youtubers who dont exist and a streamer who does (fayetan), and we played a tabletop. and before before all this i remember some stuff in my own house/street but don't know what exactly. i remember seeing some people from real life in my neighbourhood, one of which is a beautiful girl i follow on instagram who doesnt live here. at some point i dreamt i was in my neighbour's, having a party, and there were a lot of candies and a cake.
can't remember the entire plot, but: a guy who used to go to the same school as me in 2022 lived in my street and we hung out. he clearly had a crush on me. i was attracted to him, but didn't have any romantic feelings, which i told him eventually. also, there were a LOT of snakes in my street and around my neighbourhood (snakes are my biggest phobia). i dreamt of my aunt's cottage again, which is a very regular scenario in my dreams. this time, my dad's family was there, and some people that don't exist irl. someone brought a cat there, but the cat went out the window, and i saw quickly my MOM going out the window as well. she fell from there, i got extremely emotional, but she survived. that's all i remember.
i was on a trail underground somewhere, a massive trail which led to an underground hallway with bedrooms and people in them. then, it led to my uncle's house, and i found out my ex-boss aunt was keeping people captive and
made some sort of cult. the house was also accoplated to my other aunt's cottage somehow. i couldnt contact anyone to help but my dad showed up there and i warned him not to go upstairs so he wouldnt be hypnotized. i spent a long time in there and while everyone who stayed ended up getting endoctrinated, i never did. eventually i had sex with [redacted] and touched some old guy who was named scott cawthon and i somehow could lift people's endoctrination (which was like a curse/hypnosis) by touching them. i did that to everyone, so many people. then i got some stuff like a bjork cd and got an uber home.
woke up later sweating, with my mouth open and my arm over my other arm, aching like hell.
dreamt of the girl i have a crush on. she had a boyfriend, and i got really disappointed. also dreamt i was in a religious country where if you're an immigrant outside at night, people are going to rob you or kill you.
i met three youtubers i like there: sr. wilson, rik, and someone else that i don't think exists. i took a photo with them.
my nice cousin was there. my evil cousin who sa'd me was also there and she had to do some sort of task to defeat some evil overlord, then it became like a platformer akin to hollow knight.
at some other point i was somewhere else with my parents, i played guitar, there was this one guy who was supposed to be a famous character of a show? and we played guitar, then i got naked and had to hide it. funny thing,
whenever i get naked in my dreams i don't feel embarassed.